Why I Relay – Michaela Fay


“Growing up, I was never really affected by cancer. I never had known of anyone close to me, or my family, becoming sick or dying of cancer. I am adopted and not knowing my biological family history gives me worries. There could be so many illnesses or problems that could be passed on from generation to generation that I could never know existed within my own family.

I recently have been introduced to cancer and the negative effects that it has on people and their happiness. My dad’s good friend, Mike, was diagnosed with brain cancer, and it was shocking. He was a strong man and was definitely an inspiration to many throughout his life. He passed away in 2014.

Another reason I Relay is for Theresa. Theresa was the mother of my brother’s best friend in high school. She was a very strong woman and was the sweetest lady I had ever met. My parents were very close with Theresa and her husband. As I grew up, I got to know them and their kids just as well. Theresa passed away from cancer in 2014 as well.

Both Mike and Theresa will be missed, and they are the two reasons why I relay. After seeing the effects that cancer has had on many people in my community and even my family, I have realized that making a difference and being included and active in this event will make me a stronger person and will motivate me in life. Those who go through life with the emotional, and even physical, struggle with cancer are among the strongest and most courageous people I will ever meet.”

-Michaela Fay, Junior Elementary Education Major