Letter to the Editor: Journalist sees inaccuracy in LTE

Dear Mr. Fisher,

I had occasion to pick up copies of The Northern Iowan while visiting my niece, a sophomore R.A. As a retired journalist, I enjoyed reading college students’ perspectives. However, I was alarmed by the lack of citations and accuracy in Laurie Lee’s “LTE: UNI student says to give Trump a chance”:

1). He is “good at business.” Is he? By his own self-proclamation, or by measure of his bankruptcies and lawsuits filed against Trump University for defrauding students?

2). He “really cares what the common person thinks.” Examples? Bad hombres, nasty women?

3). He “paid for his campaign out of his own pocket.” Not entirely.

4). He is “free from obligation to special interest groups.” Except for those who supported his campaign, and those to whom Trump made promises during his run.

5). He “has a lot of money because he worked hard.” Or because he is dishonest and takes advantage of others? (See fraud example above).

While I agree with Ms. Lee’s overall sentiment and encourage her to write our president-elect, I hope she will take the time to check facts and sources before voting again.

-Natalie Pohlman,

Des Moines