Columnist responds to death of student


GABE GRAVERT, Opinion Columnist

As I was writing my article for this issue I received news from a friend about how a young woman committed suicide in her dorm room. I can only speak for myself but I’m sure the whole university was saddened to hear about this tragic event. After I learned about this I quickly went to twitter and I saw an abundance of students tweeting about how their thoughts and prayers are with those affected by this situation. Reading those I was beyond proud to be a panther.

As of right now I don’t know the whole story or even part of the story, but I felt like I should get my feelings out about it and I think writing about it is the best way I can. I can’t argue that what this person did was right, because I don’t think it is ever okay to take your own life. Although this person thought that there was no other choice, and that brings me to tears. To think that someone thinks they have no other option rather than to take their own life.

In the busyness of our lives with political campaigns, classes, joining student organizations, and relationships sometimes we forget to just appreciate what we have and those who have brought us to where we are. We are at a wonderful university getting top-notch education. We all complain about classes and the busyness of our lives, and that is okay because it’s not easy to be a college student, but every once in a while we need to reflect on all the great things we have.

Although we have it pretty good, that doesn’t mean we don’t have problems. Everyone is going through something, whether it be big or small in comparison; it is big in that person’s mind and that is all that matters. We can’t brush off other people’s problems, because you have or have had bigger problems; we have to stop and help them through it, because we are all human beings and we all deserve that respect.

This situation makes me reflect on my life and how I impact people. Is it positive or am I adding to the negativity that fills this world. I think we all need to take time and reflect on our own lives and how we make people feel. There is a quote from Maya Angelou that says “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Take this with you and let it sink in for a while then go out there and do good for others as you would want others to do good for you.