Sorry, you don’t have the right to vote

KYLE REKEMEYER, Opinion Writer

Personally, I’m considering not voting this election (and possibly future elections).

“But Kyle, you have to vote! Every vote matters!”

Do they? Dear reader, I’m going to tell you exactly why your vote does not matter. It never has, it never will. Your right to vote is simply a privilege and nothing more, and it can be taken away at any point. All we have is the illusion of choice.

Listen in, children; I’m going to tell you why.

Let’s set aside all of our hatred for our Republican front-runner, Donald Trump. Trump, as of right now, has a total of 739 delegates, more than the other two runners combined. It’s very possible that he will be the Republican nominee.

Or will he?

It’s not very hard to find interviews or speeches given by Republican officials expressing their disdain for Trump. But some official hate him so much that members of the Republican National Convention (RNC) are saying that if Trump wins the delegate count that they, the RNC, will instead choose a different candidate as their nominee.

That’s right. Even though the general majority of the population wants Trump as the nominee, they will basically be given the middle finger by the higher-ups.

In fact, Curly Haugland, RNC rules committee member, gave a phone interview for CNBC in which he directly stated on-air, “The political party chooses their nominee, not the general public, contrary to popular belief.”

Yes, it was just admitted that your vote does not matter. It makes you wonder what the point of even holding the primaries is.

But what happens if none of the candidates meet the delegate count to be nominated? Well, I’m glad I’m here to tell you!

Let’s say neither Trump, Cruz or Kasich are able to meet the 1,237 required delegates for nomination. What happens then is what is called a brokered convention.

Essentially, at these conventions, all of the delegates so far are “released” from their nominee and are all put together in a pool of free delegates. At this point, the delegates are free to side with whichever candidate they choose. So yes, a once Trump delegate could now become a Cruz delegate.

If a brokered convention happens, then that would mean 150 million voters (assuming half of Americans are Republican and most of them participated in the primaries) have now been reduced to a few thousand. That’s a lot of votes that suddenly don’t matter.

Isn’t it ironic that the party most concerned with having our rights protected (mainly the 2nd Amendment) are the ones telling us that our votes don’t matter?

And don’t think that it’s just the Republican party either. The Democrats, though a main part of the name stems from “democracy,” seem to be the exact opposite. The reason: superdelegates.

Superdelegates are the biggest reason why if you vote Democrat your vote really isn’t worth more than bucket of sand.

Superdelegates are delegates from the Democratic National Convention (DNC) that can choose who they want to vote for literally any time they feel like it. And there are 747 of them.

So, hypothetically speaking, let’s say that both Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton had approximately the same amount of normal delegates, but for the sake of argument, let’s say Sanders has 150 more delegates than Clinton by the time elections come around. That should mean that he wins the nomination.

Not if the superdelegates have something to do with it. Potentially all 747 superdelegates could then side with Clinton, putting her over Sanders with about 500 more delegates.

So, even though the majority of the population wanted Sanders to become the nominee, the DNC basically said, “Nope, maybe next time. You people had your fun, but we’re the ones that matter.”

And if you’re thinking I’m joking, here’s an actual quote from the DNC chair, Debbie Wasserman Shultz:

“[Superdelegates] exist really to make sure that party leaders and elected officials don’t have to be in a position where they are running against grassroots activists.”

Essentially, they choose the nominee, not the general public. That sounds awfully familiar.

So my advice to you, dear voters, if you still think your vote matters, go right ahead. Do what makes you happy. Participate in the caucuses and the primaries and the election in November if you feel like you’re doing a service.

To quote the late George Carlin, while you all are out voting, “I will be at home doing essentially the same thing as you. The only difference is that when I get done masturbating, I’m going to have a little something to show for it, folks.”