Letter to the Editor: French Fry lacked quality

This in response to the March 31, 2016 article in the Northern Iowan that was entitled, “Student orgs offer help to those in need.” While your aim may have been to add comic relief to many readers’ days, you add just the opposite to mine.

When I pick up an NI paper, I expect factual, quality, dignified writing from my fellow Panthers, but this piece left me hurt and shocked that a paper would publish such a critical article that targeted two student organizations.

While you may have added a disclaimer at the beginning of the French Fry, claiming the articles within it were “no way offishul views of da Northern Iowan,” that does not excuse bullying of certain politically and religiously based student orgs.

I expected more from the NI, as they went so far as to falsely quote members of both the UNI Right to Life and the UNI College Republicans. I’m honestly a bit confused as to what your motive was for this. If you were looking to gain support of those who tend to lean more politically conservative, you have lost sight of your audience.

I myself had began an application to be a writer for the NI this fall, but upon reading the particular article in question, I retracted  my application immediately. I sincerely hope that you understand the weight of your “satire” words.

-unsatisfied and

bitter opinionist