LTE: Is Trump unfit to be president?



Steve Corbin, professor emeritus of marketing at UNI, pens a letter to the editor urging Iowa Congressional delegates to explicitly state whether or not they support President Trump’s endeavors.

Editor’s note: the following letter to the editor was submitted by Steve Corbin, professor emeritus of marketing at UNI.

The following pieces of evidence are historic, sobering and summon Americans to pause and reflect as to where we stand with our 45th president.

First: After nine months in office it is shocking that 56 percent of Americans (Quinnipiac Poll) believe Trump is “not fit to serve as president.”  Specifically, the majority of citizens think Trump “is not honest,” “does not have good leadership skills” and “is not level-headed.”

Second: On Nov. 8, 2016, Donald Trump earned 51.1 percent of Iowa voter’s support and our six electoral college votes.  Eleven months later, only 41.9 percent of Iowans, a statistically significant drop, approve of Trump’s presidency (Morning Consult survey).

Third: Recently, prominent and respected Sen. Rob Corker (Rep., TN) identified Trump as “irrational, ill-informed, impulsive, unfit for command and increasingly a danger to the country and the world.” 

Furthermore, Corker said of Trump, “I know for a fact that every single day at the White House, it’s a situation of trying to contain him.”

Fourth: Numerous journalists from left-wing, centrist and right-wing media outlets admit they’ve heard, first-hand, from senators, representatives and White House staff that Trump is viewed as a “menace in his current role.” 

Let’s be clear.  These people who work with Trump believe “he is intellectually unaware as to how his actions, non-actions and statements steer the country to a dangerous cliff; plus, temperamentally, Trump is unable to exercise anything close to mature judgment.”

It is well documented during the presidential election Trump took 141 different policy positions on 23 issues. 

Since taking office, Trump has flip-flopped on health care five times, immigration reform five times, NATO four times, NAFTA four times, Syria intervention four times and China three times, to name a few.

Trump’s 1,145 documented false and misleading claims, Charlottesville debacle, refusal to impose strict sanctions on Russia as mandated by Congress (July 27), disparaging remarks toward North Korea’s leader and fellow GOP leaders Corker, McCain, McConnell and Ryan (and the list goes on and on) is very troubling to sensible Americans.

The majority of the U.S.’s 535 Congressional delegates are now saying they have an obligation to their constituents to do something about the mess we are in.

Baby boomers recall during Feb., 1966, Sen. J. William Fulbright (Dem., Arkansas) convened a series of hearings on whether his fellow Democrat, President Lyndon Johnson, was making a disastrous error with his deepening commitment to the Vietnam War. 

The hearings he and other Democrats held caused a significant shift in public opinion regarding U.S. military involvement in Vietnam.

Fulbright and Corker are on the right side of history, even 51 years apart, in doing everything they can to change a course of disastrous error set by their own party’s president. And now, our representatives in Washington, DC owe us an answer.

Dear Iowa Congressional delegates Blum, Ernst, Grassley, King, Loebsack and Young:  For purposes of accountability to the voters who elected you to represent them, please submit a letter to the editor to this newspaper with a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ reply to the two questions contained in the next paragraphs. 

No elongated responses please — just a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer. No response to this inquiry within two weeks will be interpreted that you explicitly support Donald J. Trump’s endeavors.

Question no. 1:  Do you agree with Sen. Bob Corker that “Trump is a danger to the country and the world?”

Question no. 2:  Do you agree that “Trump is unstable, losing a step and unraveling?”

Thank you for representing your constituents and upholding the solemn oath of office as prescribed by law. We anxiously look forward to receiving your cogent answers while protecting us against all enemies, foreign and domestic.