A wonderful week of homecoming events


Students can participate in a wide variety of events scheduled for homecoming week until Sunday, Oct. 21.


As the big homecoming game approaches, many UNI students are showing off their Panther spirit by participating in various events and activities throughout the week.

Student Life Director Mike Bobeldyk said he enjoys the positive atmosphere at UNI during homecoming.

“I think, overall, from being a staff member, I enjoy seeing the excitement on campus as it builds throughout the week and how the campus community really embraces the activities,” he said.

“It’s not just one particular area of campus, it’s all of campus showing it in different ways, and I think that’s exciting to see. Seeing some of the office decorations start to come up in different areas on campus and starting to see more and more purple being worn on campus, all of those things start to culminate and eventually you get to Saturday. You have alumnus wearing purple, students wearing purple, it’s really a great exhibit of what it means to be a Panther.”

On Thursday, Oct. 18, both Piazza and Rialto dining centers will be hosting a special homecoming dinner from 5 p.m. until 6:45 p.m.

On Friday, Oct. 19, UNI’s volleyball team will be facing Drake at the McLeod Center at 7 p.m. Orchesis Dance Company and IDT Dance Company will also be performing at 7:30 p.m. in Bengston Auditorium in Russell Hall.

Friday will wrap up with a pep rally after the volleyball game. Students, faculty and alumni can get fired up at 8 p.m. in the West Gym.

“That’s where the three finalists from Pride Cry will be,” said Mallorie Huebner, a junior elementary education major and chair of homecoming for the Campus Activities Board. “There will be guest speakers, the cheer and dance teams and the band. Everyone who was at the kickoff will be at the pep rally.”

Then at midnight, the long-standing tradition of campaniling will take place.

The Homecoming Parade will occur on Saturday at 11 a.m.  Several areas on campus will be represented, including officials, cheerleaders and homecoming royalty. Many university departments and student organizations will also be present at the parade, which will have just under 90 entries in total.

Following the parade, there will be a tailgating event held from 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. near the UNI-Dome.

“I look forward to tailgating with some friends if I get the chance to,” said Chad Schafer, a junior social science teaching major.

Many fans are anticipating the football game against South Dakota State at 4 p.m.

“I’ve been going home these past couple of weekends, and I haven’t had a chance to go to [a game] yet,” said Austin Schmuecker, a junior TESOL major.

While this year’s homecoming is still ongoing, students are already planning for next year’s festivities. The 2019-2020 school year will mark the 100th homecoming anniversary on UNI’s campus.

Bobeldyk stressed the significance of student involvement during homecoming.

“A lot of the facilities that you see throughout the week are really facilitated by students,” said Bobeldyk. “That’s important to their learning and their leadership development.”